Caledon Rail to Trail (CRT) Project

The Town of Caledon has been given the opportunity to convert a 35 km stretch of the former Orangeville Brampton railway corridor, that runs through our town, into a multi-use trail. This section of the proposed trail runs from Orangeville to Mississauga, with the total length of the corridor being 51 km.

Your feedback is important to us. Visit for engagement opportunities as they become available. 

The CRT Project will:

  • Connect the communities in Caledon as well as Orangeville, Brampton and Mississauga;
  • Promote walking and cycling for recreation and the enjoyment of nature;
  • Support healthy living, economic development and tourism opportunities; and
  • Help build a healthier Town.

The CRT project includes 3 major phases:

Phase 1: Initial consultation, defining the scope, safety review of the corridor under interim conditions, public consultation to inform preliminary design

Phase 1 involves facilitating stakeholder engagement to deliver a well-planned, multi-use trail that promotes active transportation, trail development and use for years to come. To provide your input, please visit

In addition to extensive input from various stakeholders, the Active Transportation Master Plan provides support for the CRT project. Phase 1 will define a plan to redevelop and manage an active trail network connecting Orangeville, Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga, providing the opportunity for a physically active and connected community in the most cost-effective manner.

Phase 1 also includes the installation of signage to warn people not to use the corridor under interim conditions before completion of the construction. Phase 1 is expected to be completed in 2024, followed by phases 2 and 3.

Phase 2: Preliminary design, public consultation on preliminary design, completion of relevant studies
More information coming soon.
Phase 3: Detailed design, construction
More information coming soon.


On July 15, 2022, the Municipalities of Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga purchased 51km of the railway corridor which runs from the Caledon-Orangeville boundary to just north of Streetsville. This railway will be converted into a trail – linking the municipalities and unifying the Trans Canada Trail system.


Should you have any questions please reach out to: 

Sabrina Davidson
Coordinator, Sustainable Transportation
Phone: 905.584.2272 x.4012